Jason A. Demery, Ph.D. , ABPP-CN

Jason A. Demery, PH.D

Dr. Demery is board certified in clinical neuropsychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP). He completed his Ph.D. at the University of Florida followed by a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Clinical & Health Psychology. He worked as an Assistant Professor in Clinical & Health Psychology (Public Health and Health Professions) and Psychiatry (Medicine) and served as the Assistant Program Director of Forensic Psychology at UF’s Forensic Institute. Dr. Demery currently works as a staff neuropsychologist at the Gainesville VA Medical Center and also maintains a private practice in Gainesville, Florida.

With almost 20-years of experience, Dr. Demery is an expert in the area of traumatic brain injury and has published several peer-reviewed articles on this topic. He is a National Institutes of Health-funded researcher in brain injury and serves as a consultant to pharmaceutical and medical device companies.